Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall crops at the Schneider farm

This weekend Aaron and I finally got around to taking out the corn from our raised garden bed which made room for some new crops. We went to the Yamaguchi nursery for the first time and it's now officially our nursery of choice. They had a great selection, everything was in great condition, amazingly low prices, and best part of all.... owned by our neighbor across the street! I can't believe we've been pumping money into the chain store Armstrong's this whole time when we could have been supporting our neighbor.

Rather than planting from seed like we had done with our summer crops, we went with starter plants since we have waited until pretty late in the fall season to get going. We chose broccoli, sugar snap peas, lettuce, and green onions. With temperatures expected to be in the 90's this week you could have fooled me that it's actually fall here. So I'm hopeful that we have a long growing season ahead of us.

Also, say hello to our squirrel friend who watched us work today. He and his buddies hang out in our backyard with Alex. Alex certainly notices when they are around, but they must have worked out some sort of agreement because Alex doesn't chase them away. They try to help us with our planting, too - today when I was digging to put in the broccoli I found a fruit item clearly "planted" by the squirrel. It had his teeth marks in it and we matched it to the fruit that came from neighbor Dave's tree. I've found loads of peanuts throughout the yard, too. Someone on the street must be giving them peanuts.

1 comment:

Willis said...

Coolio! Looks good enough to eat :)