Sunday, January 13, 2008

Seeing white & green!

White: snow! Aaron and I had our first day of snowboarding for this season today. We just went to a local mountain which (not counting the line into the parking lot) is only about 1 1/2 hours away. I think we were able to pick up pretty much where we left off from last season - skill level wise - but embarrassingly, I had the hardest time with the lifts today. Urgh - I took three spills just getting off! I've already got a bruise on my knee and I'm waiting for one to surface on my hip. But not too bad for first time back in about 9 months. Aaron did great - his only major mis-hap was when some other guy clipped his board. Other than that though, we had a nice day carving up the mountain.

Green: grass!! Okay, so it's only the tiniest, itty, bitty, tinsey, winsey, littlest bit of grass, but when we got home from boarding there it was. Poking out from the ground. Yay! We might actually have a lawn in our way back!! We've been watering and hoping for warmer weather so that the seed we laid down on New Years day would germinate. And sure enough - I think it will. :)


Karen & Jonathan Fu said...

HI Julie! Are you done with your backyard? If so, send pictures!!!

Nancy said...

I hope your little green shoots have strong roots by now or they will be drowning. Here in Oregon the sun has been shining all week--but it's been cold! Rain or shine, it will be great to see you soon. Love, Mom