Sunday, January 24, 2010

More baby prep

With meetings bringing my mom and Dave to Orange County on Thursday & Friday, they tacked on the weekend here in Los Angeles and squeezed in one more visit to help us prep for the babies. There were two key items on my list: 1) moving around the furniture in our bedroom in order to set up the twin pack-n-play where the babies will spend the first several weeks in the bassinets. And, 2) pruning the roses. Certainly the roses aren't baby related, but since I'm mostly restricted to the couch these days there is no way I would be able to do it myself and apparently it's the right time of year to trim them up.

Having my mom and Dave here was also great to help with a few deep cleaning items that have been bothering me (washing curtains and rugs to name a couple). You see, I notice a lot more things now that I pretty much just sit around the house. My list gets longer each day, but Aaron couldn't possibly cross all of them off on his own and I certainly can't do any of them by myself. My mom and Dave also kept us well fed by helping with the shopping and cooking. So awesome!

It's hard to believe that the next time they are here it will be to help us take care of two tiny newborns! Maybe even taking them out for walks in our new stroller set up that we finally have sorted out?!

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