Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting ready for the babies

This weekend my mom came to town to help us prep for the babies. We spent a lot of time planning out the various scenarios and details for the first few months after the babies arrive. Even though in reality there really is no predicting when these little girls will find their way into the world, it sure helps me feel better that we have a 'plan' - even if it will be modified. She and Aaron also did some manual labor boxing up and cleaning out the closet in the guestroom-soon-to-be-nursery, painting the changing table, and installing some IKEA storage for all the baby items that will soon fill the space.


Anonymous said...

Dear Julie, dear Aaron,
having survived the 1st 2 months with my baby boy I can tell you, that no plan will work. It´s all a matter of spontanity and good nerves:-)
It´s so nice to see that you all 4 are doing all fine...
Greetings from Germany

Willis said...

That's a great idea for the closet! If only we would clean out the closet in Austin's room (which we'll inevitably need to do someday), we'd be able to do the same and get some much-needed storage in. Glad to see Aaron the handyman at work!