Sunday, April 5, 2009

San Diego Crew Classic - 2009

The San Diego Crew Classic was this weekend and my Marina Aquatic Center's Women's Masters team made a pretty good showing for ourselves!

There were 17 boats in our Women's Open category which meant that there were three heats on Saturday to see who would go to the finals. We came in third in our heat on Saturday putting us in the Petite Finals (consolation race) for Sunday. Too bad we drew the second heat instead of the third because we did technically have a faster time than their second place team. Anyway...

After loading up at a fantastic ocean front BBQ dinner everyone turned in relatively early after a full day in the sun and in preparation for an early morning today. We had another good row this morning and took first place in the Petites. Our coach said something along these lines before going on the water this morning "Hey, a race is a race, there is a winner and a loser." So heck yeah - we were the winners!

Now, to brag a little more here, I would like to point out that if you went strictly by today's times we kinda would have been second place in the Grand Finals. Yes, I totally get that conditions on the water change over the day and that you can't fairly compare a race that happened at 7:50 in the morning to one 3 1/2 hours later... but our time this morning was 7.37.20 and second place in the Grand Finals came in at 7.42.70. I guess those girls were all too tuckered out to pull hard for two days in a row except for the USC boat. We totally had the second fastest time today in our category. And yes, five seconds is a lot in rowing.

That said, which ever way you want to look at it, both of our races felt great this weekend and everyone was really pleased with how we did as a boat. So much fun!

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