Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Eating with fingers

A few days short of 9 months Penny declared herself a big girl. She no longer wants to be fed by an adult with a spoon (she shakes her head and wont open her mouth) but would rather do it herself. The only solution was an all-finger-foods-dinner last night. Here are the adorable results.
Lily on the other hand is happy to try to eat with her fingers, but still lets us know (by these pretty annoying grunts) that we can speed up the shovel.


Unknown said...

they are just growing up too fast!

Unknown said...

They are just growing up too fast! Cute photos.

amandadrews said...

Calvin And Penny look very simliar these days! Esp. the smiles. Nate thought that Calvin was giving him a fake smile last night. But I reminded nate that he dosen't know how to fake things.

Kelley said...

I think Lily's grunts are hilarious!

Grammie/Julie said...

Pretty Penny is very independent-love that! And lovely Lily loves being pampered. I can't believe they are approaching 9 months! The rate they're going, they will be crawling all over the place when we see them at X-mas! Give the girlies hugs and kisses from Grammie!