Monday, August 24, 2009

There is something we've been wanting to mention...

Julie is pregnant! And, the news gets bigger from there.... it's twins!! They are officially due March 4, but our OB says to expect them about a full month earlier. Both babies are doing great - measuring right on time - 13 weeks along. We'll find out in the next month or two whether we're having boys/girls or one of each. We are soooooooo excited!!


Amanda said...

They look so much like little people already congrats again.
Aunt Amanda

Baby Talks said...

How exciting!! Congrats and Congrats! :)

amy said...

Super Super Duper excited! And just in time. Now that Miss Hadley is entering toddlerhood I'll be needing my baby fix.

So happy for you guys. EEEEE! And I have already picked out their BabyLegs.

Kelley said...

Yay!!!! Congratulations times two!!

Sunshine Cook said...

Hi Julie, It's Melissa. I just ran across your blog addy in an old holiday greeting I found while cleaning out email. What a treat. I look forward to keeping up.